Downtown Auburn,
Wa 98092
Having an issue with your appliances ?
Having an issue with your appliances ?
Hassle-Free service by professionals, on your own convenient time-slot!
Have A Question ?
Monday - Saturday
8.00 am - 5.00 pm / Sunday (Closed)
Downtown Auburn, Wa 98092
Kitchenaid Dishwasher not draining. They were able to send someone quickly, the next day. The technician was fantastic. Professional, honest, efficient. Will use again.
- Linda B.
I'm so glad I called your company. The repairman Sev was very professional and efficient. He repaired my son's oven door within 30 to 40 mins. We need more people like Sev in this world, polite and patient. Thank you again. Ms Sermeno
- Catalina Sermeno
Great service! I received a 3 hour window and only waited an hour. I received a text that the tech was on his way. Sev (the tech) was knowledgeable and he educated me about my options. I decided on one of his options, and know what I might face with my range in terms of future costs. Highly recommend.
- Theresa Van de Ven